Deep Left Field

Reluctant Sessions Ordered To Testify Before Judiciary Committee Next Week

With the latest revelations which were brought light with the guilty plea of former Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, the House Judiciary Committee is now demanding that Attorney General Jeff Sessions appear in open session next Tuesday, November 14.

In addition to the AG’s appearance before the House Judiciary Committee, Senate Democrats are also insisting that Sessions also come before the Senate Judiciary Committee to answer questions about statements he made during his confirmation hearings regarding his contact with Russian officials during the 2016 election.

In his confession, which was unsealed last week, Papadopoulos admitted that he had tried to arrange clandestine meetings between members of the Trump campaign and Russian government figures, including a proposed get together between Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin. Both Sessions and Trump have previously said they were unaware of any contact with Russians in 2016. But the court documents on file with Papadopoulos’ guilty plea directly contradict those assertions.

Senator Al Franken (D-MN) has suggested that Sessions committed perjury at his confirmation hearings and at subsequent appearances before the Senate Judiciary Committee, most recently saying of the AG’s testimony on the Russia matter:

“He seems to have problems telling the truth on this subject. 

“Ultimately, whether or not he committed perjury, will be again, I believe, Bob Mueller’s call.”

There are also suggestions that Sessions may be forced to resign if he cannot offer any credible answers to the many questions raised by information that has come to the fore since the Papadopoulos plea agreement was released. Sessions, who has recused himself from any matters related to the Russia investigation being conducted by the Justice Department, would seem to be in the way of any plans Trump might have to dismiss the special counsel by appointing a new Attorney General who would do his bidding and dump Robert Mueller.

But, should Sessions resign and Trump appoint a more pliable head of the Justice Department who fires Mueller, that move could set off calls for articles of impeachment to be filed against the president.

What Sessions has to say next week could well wind up being the beginning of the end of this corrupt administration.

This article was originally published by the same author at