Deep Left Field

Scarborough Gets His Widdle Fee Fees Hurt When Someone Calls Him A Whore For Trump

If you hadn’t noticed (and how could you possibly not see it?), Joe Scarborough, the host of the MSNBC show “Morning Joe” has a major man crush on Donald Trump. He is constantly kissing Trump’s ass, yet when anyone dares to point this out, Joe gets his feelings hurt and starts shrieking on social media, which is also Trump’s favored means of sending out barbs.

Here’s the perfect example: Media critic and New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen happened to make this post on Twitter:

That’s a fair commentary, but the way Scarborough reacted, you would have thought Rosen accused him of sacrificing children on an altar in his back yard:

Finally and mercifully someone stepped in and told Joe to STFU:

But Scarborough refused:

As the Bard once wrote: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Yeah, we’re looking right at ya, Joe!