Deep Left Field

Testy Trump Says Of Hillary Clinton: ‘She Was Guilty Of Every Charge’ (VIDEO)

As the Donald Trump Deflection Tour continues, the so-called president is lashing out at Hillary Clinton yet again, even though he won the election. Apparently the Donald knows he’s in deep trouble on the connections to and collusion with Russia, so he thought it’d be a good time to try and shift the focus yet again.

Speaking to Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business, the Liar-in-Chief was asked if he had confidence in FBI Director James Comey, whose department is currently conducting an investigation into the Trump-Russia matter. Trump replied:

“When Jim Comey came out, he saved Hillary Clinton. He saved her life. When he was reading those charges, she was guilty of every charge, and then he said she was essentially OK.”

What Trump neglected to mention is that Comey had access to all of the information and evidence, whereas all the pretend POTUS had was what Vladimir Putin and Wikileaks shared with him during the course of the 2016 campaign. And might there also be a touch of jealousy in Trump’s remarks about Clinton? She was cleared and not charged, but will the same be true of Trump and many of his associates, several of whom we now know had contact with Russian officials during the campaign?

While he was at it, Trump also revived the disproven charge that the Obama administration–in the person of former National Security Adviser Susan Rice–unmasked some Trump officials who were thought to be in direct communication with Russian operatives. Rice says she was merely doing her job, as was the intelligence community, but an angry Trump commented:

“Does anybody really believe that. What they did is horrible.”

Is it more horrible than engaging in treason with a nation that would love to destroy the United States from the inside, Donald? Or is your anger tied to the fact that you know you got caught?

This article was originally published by the same author at