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Donald Trump Just Handed The Obstruction Case To Mueller On A Silver Platter

On Wednesday, Donald Trump’s top attorney, Ty Cobb, called it quits, leaving the president’s legal team, and while Cobb said he’d been planning his exit for some time, a tweet his client sent out earlier in the morning may have been the real reason.

The tweet from Trump absolutely guarantees that he will indeed be charged with obstruction of justice:

In order for obstruction of justice to be proven in court, the prosecution has to have what’s known as “corrupt intent.” In other words, the person had to have been aware that he or she was attempting to forestall or hinder an investigation. And Trump just proved that his aim is to short-circuit the Department of Justice via “the powers granted to the Presidency.” The cherry on top is he said he will be forced to “get involved.”

Game, set, and match to Robert Mueller.

Of course, this isn’t the only instance of Trump clearly obstructing justice. Here’s a few more examples of how this president has done an imitation of a lawless dictator, believing there would be no long-term consequences for him:

Adam Serwer had this to say in The Atlantic regarding Trump and obstruction as it relates to the president’s attempt to dismiss Mueller:

“Legal experts say that Trump’s pattern of behavior has made the case against him much stronger, because that pattern shows Trump repeatedly attempting to undercut the investigations into Russian interference and obstruction, and then in some cases misleading the public about it. That Trump was unsuccessful in firing Mueller is irrelevant—obstruction is a crime whether or not the attempt succeeds.”

And now Robert Mueller has Trump’s own words in a tweet to use against him no matter what Trump tries to do from this point forward. The president has painted himself into a corner, and there is no escape route for him. Impeachment and prosecution await Donald Trump. The clock is now ticking.