Deep Left Field

Robert Mueller’s Next Move Is Guaranteed To ROCK Washington To Its Foundations

The question gets asked just about every day: When will Special Counsel Robert Mueller take the next steps which will tell us the end might be near for Donald Trump and the cabal of collaborators who may well have committed treason during the 2016 presidential campaign?

It’s been over a year since former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pled guilty to a charge of lying to the FBI and began cooperating with Mueller’s team of investigators. We also know that Flynn made that agreement with Mueller in exchange for providing information which will implicate someone higher up in the scandal who hasn’t yet been publicly named in an indictment.

It also seems fair to speculate that the figures most likely to be next as Mueller moves in are Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions, or Mike Pence. They’re the only “big fish” left that haven’t either been indicted or reached a plea agreement with the special counsel. Then again, there could be an as-yet-unsealed indictment with Donald Trump’s name on it, too.

All of this leads to the next question: When will it all happen? When do we get to see more people reporting to court with their attorneys and facing a federal judge to enter their plea? If you’re like me, it cannot come soon enough. But the delay may actually be good news in the long run. How so? Consider:

When Mueller does make his next move, you can count on one thing: It will shake Washington to its foundations and let us all know the beginning of the end is near for the Trump administration.