‘Insurance For Everybody!’ — Trump Stuns GOP, Implies Universal Healthcare

Donald Trump is again promising that every American will be “beautifully covered” under his proposed replacement for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but again refused to provide even the slightest amount of specifics to back up his claims. Speaking to Robert Costa of the Washington Post, Trump commented: “The Congress can’t get cold feet because […]

Irony Alert: GOP Governors Now Begging Republican Congress To Not Repeal Obamacare

If you thought only Democrats and progressives were opposed to repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), then you may be surprised to learn that Republican governors in several states are asking Congress and Donald Trump not to do a full repeal of what has become known as Obamacare. In particular, some GOP governors are […]

WATCH A GOP Voter Tell Heartless Paul Ryan Obamacare Saved His Life

CNN held a town hall meeting with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan on Thursday evening, and one member of the audience had some choice words for Ryan and his GOP buddies who are vowing to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Jeff Jeans told Ryan that he was opposed to Obamacare at first, but […]

The Repeal Of Obamacare May Be Dead, And The GOP Can Thank Themselves

Few things excite Republicans like their long-promised repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more commonly known as Obamacare. Even Donald Trump made it one of the main pillars of his campaign. But it now appears the repeal of the ACA is stuck in neutral, and the GOP can’t blame Democrats for this one. In […]

A Trump Voter Who Was Helped By Obamacare Is Asking The Donald Not To Repeal The ACA

Bob Ruscoe is one of millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump in November, even though doing so was against his best interests, especially on the issue of health care. And now he’s practically begging Trump to do a lot of thinking and soul-searching before he agrees to sign legislation which would repeal the […]

The GOP Plans To Replace Obamacare With…Tort Reform?! (VIDEO)

Ever since the passage of the landmark Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is more popularly known as Obamacare, Republicans have been eager to eradicate the law which allows tens of millions of Americans to afford health insurance for themselves and their families. And now, with the House, Senate, and White House under GOP control, they […]

Paul Krugman Reveals The Real Reason The GOP Is So Eager To Repeal Obamacare

As 2017 dawns and the Republicans prepare to take control of both houses of Congress and the White House, a life or death matter looms for millions of Americans who currently have health insurance thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare: The GOP says it’s full steam ahead on repeal of […]

GOP Senator Says We Can Blame The Opioid Epidemic On–Wait For It–Obamacare!

When in doubt, you can always count on a Republican blaming any problem–from terrorism to crime–on President Obama. Lose your job because you were constantly late to work? Gotta be Obama’s fault. Have a bad breakup with your significant other? That damn Obama did it! And now we have a GOP member of the United […]

THIS Is Donald Trump’s Achilles Heel, And It Could Spoil His Presidency

Donald Trump seems entirely immune to the things that normally destroy most politicians. He can lie and get away with it. He can say offensive things and claim he refuses to be politically correct. He can even brag about assaulting women and then assert the entire matter was years ago, so no biggie. So the […]

Democratic Senator: GOP Is ‘Terrified’ Of Repealing Obamacare (VIDEO)

Republicans have long pined for the day when they would control both houses of Congress and the White House so they can keep their long-delayed promise of repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. But now that their dream has finally come true, might they be between the proverbial rock and a […]