Author Of ‘Pee Tape’ Dossier Reveals Something That Should Terrify Donald Trump

It’s known as “the Steele dossier,” and it was compiled by Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer, during the 2016 race for the White House as a way to shed some light on Donald Trump, who at the time was storming through the GOP primaries and on the way to winning the Republican nomination.

That dossier, the salacious details of which garnered the most attention, has been discussed and debated for over a year now, leading many people to wonder: How much of the information in the document is true?

According to its author, most of it. And he says it can easily be verified.

A new book, Collusion: How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win, looks closely at the Steele dossier and the man who wrote it, who told author Luke Harding:

“I’ve been dealing with this country (Russia) for 30 years. Why would I invent this stuff?”

Steele also told Harding:

  • The dossier is 70 to 90 percent accurate, which is a high level of authenticity among intelligence analysts.
  • U.S. intelligence agencies have already verified large portions of the dossier.

Reportedly, Steele has met with Special Counsel Robert Mueller to discuss the allegations in his report, and it’s also believed Steele provided contacts Mueller could easily use to verify many of the incidents in the dossier, including the accusation that while in Moscow for a beauty pageant he was sponsoring, Trump hired prostitutes to engage in what is known as “golden showers” sex play.

According to the Guardian:

“Steele [told] friends that he believes his reports – based on sources cultivated over three decades of intelligence work – will be vindicated as the US special counsel investigation digs deeper into contacts between Trump, his associates and Moscow.”

But perhaps most damaging to Trump:

“The sources for those reports were the same as those quoted in the dossier on Trump, which included allegations that the Kremlin had personally compromising material on the US president, including sex tapes recorded during a trip to Moscow in 2013, and that Trump and his associates actively colluded with Russian intelligence to influence the election in his favor.”

Notice the use of the term “actively colluded.” Trump has repeatedly said neither he or anyone from his campaign colluded with Russia. Yet with each day we learn new information which suggests the opposite. And in time, it could be the Steele dossier which helps bring about the impeachment and indictment of Trump and many of his top associates.

This article was originally published by the same author at

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