Perhaps you’ve noticed that often when a person gets called out for something they know to be true, they get super defensive and start raving about how they aren’t at all like what you’ve accused them of being. That’s a sure sign that you’ve struck a nerve and identified the real issue.
The perfect example of this phenomenon can be found in former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” this morning for a panel discussion about presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump, who Brewer has endorsed. The CNN host, Jake Tapper, brought up comments recently made by President Obama. The President remarked at a fundraiser for Jay Inslee, the Governor of Washington:
“We don’t have time for charlatans and we don’t have time for hatred and we don’t have time for bigotry and we don’t have time for film-flam. And we don’t have the luxury of just popping off and saying just whatever comes to the top of our heads. Don’t have time for that.”
Brewer said she took great offense at the President’s remarks, even though they happen to be absolutely true. Brewer declared huffily:
“Obama just always comes tearing after Republicans constantly, calling names and calling people bigots and racists. And that’s their big comeback, you know. And it’s absolutely ridiculous. To see a president speak like that is offensive.”
At that point, another panelist, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley tried to remind Brewer that the president did not make his comments “about all Republicans.”
That just added fuel to the fire of false indignation Brewer was brewing up, so to speak, so she added:
“We need to discuss policy. With President Obama and Hillary Clinton, every time you disagree with them, it doesn’t matter which subject it is, you’re a bigot or you’re a racist!”
Jake Tapper interjected a question to Brewer: Doesn’t she consider some of what Trump says “to be at the very least racially tinged or offensive on a racial level?”
Brewer said she would give Trump a pass because he’s new to politics, as if that excuses hate speech. Then she let loose with this bit of hooey:
“But dang it. I get fed up that we hear over and over and over and over again from the president of the United States that every time somebody wants to support on the Constitution and the rule of law that we are out there because we are racist and bigots.”
A line from the Bard of Avon comes to mind when I hear this ranting from Jan Brewer:
“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”
Want to see Brewer prove her own bigotry? Watch this video:
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org.