Kentucky Will Allow Everyone To Vote By Mail In November – That Could Doom Mitch McConnell

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) got hit broadside by some very bad news on Friday, and a decision made by his home state could well result in him losing his Senate seat.

The Lexington Herald-Leader reports that Gov. Any Beshear (D-KY) and the Kentucky Secretary of State, Michael Adams, reached a deal that will allow all Kentuckians to vote absentee in the November 3 general election if they choose to:

“The Democratic governor and Republican secretary of state, who oversees elections, said people who are concerned about COVID-19 can ask for an absentee ballot using an online portal at They can then mail in the ballots or place them in drop boxes determined by county clerks if they want to avoid using postal service.”

Sounds like good news for everyone who lives in the Bluegrass State. Well, everyone except Mitch McConnell.

Recent polls in McConnell’s race against his Democratic opponent, Amy McGrath, show the incumbent in the lead, but that lead is also within the margin of error:

  • An August 6 poll from Quinnipiac University shows McConnell holding a five point lead over McGrath, 49 to 44 percent

But now factor in every person who wants to vote being able to do so from the comfort of their home. States that allow all registered voters to cast a ballot by mail have a much higher level of voter participation. And a higher voter participation has been shown to favor Democrats. Why do you think President Donald Trump is so opposed to universal voting by mail? Because he knows if more people vote, the GOP is screwed.

There’s now less than three months until Election Day. And in Kentucky, there’s a very skittish Mitch McConnell hoping and praying he can manage to hold the slim lead he has after the votes are counted. But electoral history suggests Moscow Mitch may indeed be headed for an early exit from the U.S. Senate.

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