Ultraconservative website The Minority Report is saying that 2016 GOP Presidential candidate Marco Rubio has been involved in a long-term extramarital affair with a female lobbyist, and that the woman will come forward this week to announce the relationship.
According to the website:
“Details of the forthcoming scandal are not yet clear, although the allegation involving Rubio and the female lobbyist is reportedly being leaked to ‘multiple mainstream media outlets’ this week.
“All the operative would say was that the woman was identified by researchers during a deep dive into Rubio’s disastrous personal finances.”
The allegations of an affair have also been reported by The Political Insider and have been hinted at for months now among those who cover the Rubio campaign.
The Florida Senator has been rising in recent polls, but revelations of an affair could well spell the end of the Rubio 2016 effort.
Whether or not these rumors prove to be true, there is evidence that a PAC aligned with Rubio has already spent in excess of $40,000 trying to debunk repeated whispers that the Senator has a “zipper problem” and not only has a mistress, but also a “love child.”
The allegations are eerily reminiscent of those that dogged former North Carolina Democratic Senator John Edwards several years ago. In that case, it was proven that Edwards did indeed have an affair with a woman and had also fathered a child.
There is also some suggestion that this entire story may have been fed to the press by the Jeb Bush campaign, though campaign operatives for Bush have continually denied they are the source of the rumors.
One thing is certain: The race is about to get much more interesting, and much nastier.
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org.