A member of the Alabama Board of Education has decided to proudly show off her ignorance credentials by attacking Common Core education standards as a way of training children to engage in all sorts of “transgender stuff” as part of a larger “homosexualist” takeover of the South’s education system.
Betty Peters also said that the entire Common Core system is a way for homosexuals to win souls for Satan:
“I understand Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi are the three Southern states targeted by the radical, left, homosexualists to change our students’ perspective. We have gone past gay, lesbian and bisexual and we’re now into gender fluid spectrum.”
Ms. Peters is a firm believer in schools teaching “Christian values,” even though to do so would be a clear violation of the Constitutional separation of church and state which has been affirmed on numerous occasions by the Supreme Court:
“As I said when I first campaigned and I’ve said it every time since, we need to get back to the basics: Reading, writing, and arithmetic from first grade on. We need to be teaching the ‘c’ part which is Christian values, not Muslim values, not transgender values. We need to be teaching the old Biblical values.”
While she was at it, Peters also accused the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has been fighting discrimination for decades, of distributing Satanic coloring books to teach “transgenderism” to children. As the Huffington Post noted:
“Peters also made a puzzling critique of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a national hate-group watchdog. According to Peters, the group is distributing coloring sheets featuring different clothing items and asking children to color in which clothes they want to wear in an attempt to “teach tolerance for transgenderism to four to eight year olds.”
Here’s Peters take on that in her own ridiculous words:
“The Southern Poverty Law Center is going to be developing your children or grandchild or neighbors’ children into little social activists for social justice, as they define it, or else transgender stuff. You will notice these are called outfits. I have never asked my son or my husband what ‘outfit’ they are going to wear. This is just crazy. I think all this stuff is mainly written by wacky feminists.”
If Peters truly believes all of the crap she spews out, then perhaps she should resign from the Board of Education, start her own private Christian school, and teach the right wing nutjob curriculum she is so fond of advocating. Because a lunatic like her can only harm the public school students of Alabama by sticking around.
(Apparently) Alabama is the only State with an “Education Official” having knowledge of “Homosexualists?” Stay classy Alabama.
Another right-hand, bible-thumping, purist know-nothing!
She should be summarily kicked off the board of education