How Quickly They Forget: Here Are 10 Times Conservatives Said It Was Unpatriotic To Criticize POTUS

It seems more than bit odd when you look at the GOP and other assorted right wingers as they heap their criticisms onto President Obama for his alleged lack of adequate action in the war against ISIS. Because when their golden boy George W. Bush was in the White House and progressives criticized the way […]

RWNJ Columnist: ‘Bomb Mecca’ To Show Muslims ‘Our God Is More Powerful’

If you’ve been watching the news since the attacks in Paris, then you know it’s been a week when the right wing nut job commentators and columnists–along with nearly every GOP politician–has been bashing anything that remotely resembles a Muslim person, including widows and orphans from Syria. And then yesterday Donald Trump–who is still the […]

Governor Of Oregon Says She Welcomes Syrian Refugees In Passionate Facebook Post

While 31 governors–the majority of them in the South–have said they don’t want Syrian refugees in their state, one governor is going against that trend and saying those fleeing the Syrian civil war and ISIS are more than welcome in her state. Oregon Governor Kate Brown, in a Facebook post, noted that America is a […]

These Photos Of Syrian Refugee Children Will Break Your Heart

Less than 24 hours after the attacks in Paris which left 129 people dead and at least 352 injured, the GOP candidates began to rush to the nearest TV camera so they could declare that if they were President, there was no way they would ever allow any refugees from the Syrian civil war into […]

Here We Go Again: Paris Attack ‘Truthers’ Are Already Out In Force On The Internet

Well, that didn’t take long, did it? Just a couple of days after Paris was rocked by a series of terrorist attacks that left 132 people dead, the right wing asshats who populate the dark corners of the Internet have crawled from the slime they inhabit and now have a newconspiracy theory: the attacks were […]

Moroccan Man Apologizes To Paris Victims: ‘These So-Called Jihadists Only Represent Themselves’

A Moroccan man who saw the terrible attacks last night in Paris which killed at least 129 people decided to post a video online in which he apologized to the French people and told them: “We are not like this.” That video has now been viewed nearly 150.000 times in less than 24 hours. In […]

Ex-CIA Director George Tenet: Bush White House Ignored Attack Warnings Prior To 9/11

Former CIA Director George Tenet has now said publicly what we have suspected for years: the Bush Administration–specifically then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice–was given intelligence briefings and warnings which specified that Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda were planning “spectacular” attacks within the United States. These warnings, Tenet told Politico, were given months prior to the […]

Progressive Host To GOP: You Use Vets To Excuse Wars And Then Deny Them Healthcare

“Young Turks” host Ana Kasparian had a message for Republicans on Veteran’s Day: You don’t respect our troops, but you are always eager to put Americans in harm’s way. Kasparian told GOP hawks: “You don’t respect the troops. You use the troops as an excuse to go to war in a country where we don’t […]

George H.W. Bush Rips Into Dick Cheney And Donald Rumsfeld In New Book

Former President George H.W. Bush has some strong criticism of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld in a new biography which will be published later this year. The book, Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey Of George Herbert Walker Bush, was written by Jon Meacham and includes quotes from the 41st President saying that Cheney and Rumsfeld […]

Jeb! Gets His A$$ Handed To Him On CNN: Hillary Is To Blame For Benghazi, But Your Brother Isn’t For 9/11?

Appearing on CNN Sunday, GOP Presidential candidate Jeb Bush seemed unable (or unwilling) to explain why he thinks Hillary Clinton is responsible for the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, but his brother is blameless for the 9/11 attacks which killed over 3,000 Americans. But let’s backtrack for just a moment. No doubt […]