Trump Gets BLASTED By CNN Guest For His ‘Sick And Vile Use’ Of Veterans (Video)

Now that Donald Trump has decided to throw a massive hissy fit and refuse to participate in tonight’s GOP debate, he’s pretending that he will hold an alternative event at Drake University and donate the proceeds to veterans and wounded members of the military. But on CNN earlier today, a spokesperson for Trump walked into […]

Fox News Host Scorches Cruz For His War-Mongering: You Have ‘No Military Experience’

If you hadn’t noticed, it’s been a really bad week for Ted Cruz. First there was him having to answer those endless questions about whether or not he really is an American citizen and therefore eligible to run for President. Also, his poll numbers in Iowa appear to be falling, meaning that his hard-won surge […]

Top Pentagon Commanders Say They Will Resign If Trump Is Elected POTUS

Should Donald Trump happen to be successful in his race for the White House in 2016, he may well find the Pentagon bereft of top commanders when he takes the oath of office on Inauguration Day. Several top Pentagon commanders are saying they will indeed resign in protest if Trump should become Commander-in-Chief. One remarked: […]

Fearmongering And Loathing In Las Vegas–The GOP Turns To Scare Tactics

Watching last night’s Republican Presidential debate, one thing became clear after less than an hour: the GOP candidates (and by extension the party) have no ideas, no plans, no real roadmap for the future of America other than attempting to scare the shit out of voters. Again and again last night, we heard the nine […]

Father Of Muslim American War Hero Takes On Islamophobic Trump

Captain Humayun S. M. Khan was a true American hero. In June of 2004, Captain Khan was serving in Iraq with the 201st Forward Support Battalion, 1st Infantry Division. He was at a designated military checkpoint when a vehicle with two men inside approached. Khan immediately yelled for his squad to “hit the dirt” when the […]

Right Wingers Attack Obama For Terrorism Speech, Prove Their Own Ignorance

No sooner had President Obama ended his 13-minute Oval Office address on the topic of terrorism and the fight against ISIS than the right-wing lugnuts–including Donald Trump–began their assault on what the President had just said. Even though the President directly said things right wingers have been calling for ever since Obama took office–we are […]

Trump: To Defeat ISIS, ‘You Have To Take Out Their Families’

Question: How do you know when someone has utterly lost their freaking mind? Answer: Maybe when they advocate killing the families of those we are at war with. Appearing on “Fox and Friends” earlier this morning, 2106 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump said he would indeed kill the families of terrorists. When asked about how the […]

Ben Carson’s Syrian Refugee Plan: Money For Halloween Candy Can Support Them

I’ve said this before and apparently it’s necessary to keep repeating it: Ben Carson may be a brilliant man–a doctor, a neurosurgeon!–but when it comes to matters of domestic and foreign policy, he’s a certified idiot. As evidence of my thesis, I present Dr. Carson’s appearance on “Face the Nation” and “This Week.” Carson, who […]

Former Head Of U.S. Special Forces: ISIS Would Not Exist If Bush Hadn’t Invaded Iraq

The hawks on the right love to claim that the invasion of Iraq during the George W. Bush Administration was a good thing for Iraq, the United States, and the long-term security of the Middle East, even though it has been proven time and time again to be a bigger myth than unicorns. Now the […]

Rush Limbaugh: ‘ISIS Didn’t Exist When George W. Bush Left Office’

Don’t you just love how the far right engages in selective memory when it comes to historical matters which paint their heroes in an unflattering light? The latest conservative icon to employ this method is windbag radio host Rush Limbaugh, who appeared on the Fox News Sunday show and tried to assert that the rise […]