The race for the 2016 GOP Presidential nomination is beginning to look like a contest to determine which candidate can most thoroughly alienate Hispanic voters. With Donald Trump having declared that illegal immigrants from Mexico are all drug dealers, murderers, and rapists, you would think there’s not much room left for any further outrage.
But you would be wrong, and the latest GOP contender to plant his foot firmly in his mouth is former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum.
During an appearance on the CBS show “Face the Nation” Sunday, Santorum said he disagreed with Trump, but then added:
“The vast majority of people coming legally from Mexico and other places are people who want to do the right thing. People who are coming illegally obviously are coming with a bad intent. Let’s just be honest, they’re coming with the clear intent of breaking the law.”
Santorum just contradicted himself in the span of five seconds. That may be a new record, even for a politician.
Then Santorum managed to prove his own intolerance even further with this comment:
“I don’t think we can sugarcoat that, but that doesn’t mean everyone who’s coming across is a rapist or a murderer or anything else. But they are breaking the law, and I think Donald points to a very important thing, which is, we have a serious problem of illegal immigration in this country that is undermining American workers.”
So not rapists and murderers, but still criminals with bad intent. Well, that certainly places Santorum light years away from Trump, wouldn’t you say?
Ummm…….no. Not at all.
The former Senator also accused undocumented immigrants of:
“Lowering the standard of living for people who are here legally.”
Near the end of the interview, Santorum once again reiterated that he disagreed with the Donald, but then managed to say that he also agreed with him:
“While I don’t like the verbiage he’s used. I like the fact that he’s focused on a very important issue for American workers, and particularly legal immigrants.”
So had Donald Trump used less inflammatory, more diplomatic language, what he said would be copacetic, Rick? Hey, I know you were full of crap, but I had no idea you were this loaded down with hate.
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This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org.
Rick, pull up your pants, and go home……
Every immigrant, legal or otherwise is offended by the GOPs Hatred .. Remember, a lot of us married Immigrants, and we VOTE…..