One of the so-called “accomplishments” Donald Trump loves to point to when asked what exactly he’s done since taking office is the two men he appointed to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.
But with Kavanaugh joining a 7-2 majority on Thursday in the case of Vance v. Trump and affirming that the president does indeed have to turn his tax returns over to Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance, Trump is now furious with Kavanaugh and reportedly feels betrayed by the justice, according to Jonathan Lemire, White House correspondent for the Associated Press.
During an appearance on MSNBC Friday morning, Lemire reported:
“The anger from the president was that the court itself, in particular according to our reporting, the justices that he appointed, Kavanaugh and [Neil] Gorsuch, who, as you said earlier, he demands loyalty from his appointees, from his staff in his circle even though he doesn’t always exhibit it in return.”
That’s textbook Trump: You must kiss his ring and do as he instructs, but the first time you fail to do as told, he wants to destroy you.
Lemire continued:
“As he is fighting for re-election here and is down in the polls, one of the arguments his campaign has made time and again is they have two justices, they got two conservatives on the court; Gorsuch, a relatively smooth process and Kavanaugh decidedly less so.”
We all recall how vigorously Trump and the White House fought to make sure Kavanaugh was confirmed by the Senate, despite numerous charges of sexual misconduct that were lodged against him.
Trump had hoped the Supreme Court would protect him from having to give his tax returns to Vance, but as the court has proven during this term, some of the court’s conservatives are not willing to be a rubber stamp for the president. And that has led to Trump’s sense of betrayal, Lemire noted:
“He’s had a series of setbacks from the Supreme Court in recent weeks, and to this point, though some of his anger has been directed at Chief Justice [John] Roberts who has frustrated him according to our reporting more or less since he took office, in the last few weeks, and particular yesterday, it was on Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, a real sense of betrayal, as one person close to the president put it to me.”
You’d think Trump would realize that karma is cyclical, and with all of the bad he’s put out, it was only a matter of time before some of that came back to take a bite out of him.
You would think king of clowns is beginning to recognise Judges must at some time in their lives recognise the power to the people they serve comes first.. Trump perhaps has lost his steering due to his incompetence and the meer fact These people that sit on the Supreme Court have recognised the importance of Truth and that Justice must prevail or they too shall be sunk in the swamps of trumpsvania amids the traitors liars thieves pedophiles and those kind of people trump associates seem to be..