Scott Walker Finally Told The Truth About Something, But He Didn’t Mean To

Things were going swimmingly for 2016 GOP Presidential candidate Scott Walker on Monday. He was speaking to a receptive crowd at the Iowa State Fair when a man began holding up a sign critical of Walker. The sign read:

”Warning, don’t let Scott Walker do to America what he did to Wisconsin.”

The man holding the sign, Matthew Desmond, said he and some of his friends were then treated quite rudely by some in the crowd:

“We [he and Aaron Black] were both attacked and had our signs ripped up. I kept pulling out more from my pocket and one guy attempted to climb on a hay bale and dive bomb me. They pushed my friend Khalil White, who has a torn meniscus in his knee, and ripped up his sign. Then they pushed me over, at one point, onto a woman in a wheelchair.”

No one was badly injured, but when Governor Walker snatched the sign away from Desmond, a news photographer was there to snap a shot of the GOP candidate holding the sign as if he was the owner.

So we can now say that perhaps for the first time since he announced his candidacy for the White House, Scott Walker finally told the truth about something.

This article was originally published by the same author at

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