Cheney Slams GOP: Russian Interference In 2016 Election Is A Serious Matter And ‘An Act Of War’

While a few Republicans have expressed concern over the issue of Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with the Russians to help secure the 2016 election, most have been willing to look the other way and say there’s no need to jump to conclusions until there’s more evidence. And now former Vice President Dick Cheney has weighed […]

BREAKING: Michael Flynn Has Reportedly Flipped On Trump And Is Cooperating With The FBI

CNN analyst Juliette Kayyem has set off a firestorm of attention this evening with a tweet she just posted: From my sources and what has been openly reported, it increasingly looks like #Flynn may have a deal with the FBI. #trumprussia — Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) March 25, 2017 After Kayyem posted, Seth Abramson of […]

British Journalist: ‘I Sense Panic At The White House’ As Trump-Russia Probe Expands (VIDEO)

This was a very bad week for the Trump administration. It began with the House Intelligence Committee hearings on the Trump-Russia connection and ended with a humiliating loss on Trumpcare legislation. But British journalist Louise Mensch said on Real Time Friday evening that the Russia matter is generating the greatest discomfort at the White House. […]