Gun Lobbyist Says Right Wingers Ready To Use ‘Bullet Box’ If They Fail At Ballot Box

A lobbyist for the gun industry–aka Merchants of Death–is saying that should a Democrat win in November and nominate a Supreme Court justice not to their liking, it might be necessary to begin shooting everything in sight. Larry Pratt, the executive director emeritus of Gun Owners of America, recently said on a radio show that […]

Arsonists Who Inspired The Oregon Standoff Have History Of Child Abuse

Though they aren’t part of the armed group which has occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, Dwight and Steven Hammond are essential to understanding the action currently underway. So who are the Hammonds? The Motive Behind The Militia Actions The militia members who have occupied the wildlife refuge–including members of the rabidly anti-government […]

The GOP Response To The Colorado Planned Parenthood Shootings Is Disgusting

Within hours of the Paris terrorists attacks earlier this month, all of the 2016 GOP candidates for President were rushing to the microphone or social media to make a statement–usually a swipe at President Obama–in an attempt to prove that they would be tough on terrorism if elected. And yet when the shootings which left […]