Former Louisiana GOP Senator David Vitter is, much like a cat, possessed of nine lives when it comes to his political career. Keep in mind this is the guy who was reelected to the Senate even after admitting that he had frequented a Washington, D.C. prostitute. Of course, he only fessed up when he’d already been caught in his actions.
Now Vitter is running for Governor in his home state of Louisiana, and his opponent, John Bel Edwards, has just released a campaign ad which may finally rid us all of this pernicious human pustule who goes by the name David Vitter.
Edwards, who currently serves in the Louisiana House of Representatives, was an Army Ranger and graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, which the ad points out. The voiceover then notes that Edwards “answered the call” to serve his country.
Vitter, on the other hand, the ad tells voters, “answered the call” of “the D.C. Madam,” Deborah Jeane Palfrey.
So could this ad, along with Vitter’s narrow escapes from political exile spell the end of Vitter? Perhaps. The most recent polls on the Louisiana gubernatorial contest show Edwards leading by 58 percent to Vitter’s 40 percent.
Vitter, in an attempt to go negative against Edwards, has criticized him for supporting President Obama’s release of non-violent drug offenders. And the Republican Governor’s Association also put out a TV ad showing the President–with darkened skin–advocating the early release proposal.
There is no guarantee that Edwards will win the race against Vitter, but this latest ad hits the former Senator where he is most vulnerable: on the charge of being a lowlife piece of human excrement who should have been retired from public office a long time ago.
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This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org.