Three Top Fundraisers Flee Jeb Bush’s Campaign

Three top fundraisers have chosen to depart the Jeb Bush for President campaign at a time when the former Florida Governor’s poll numbers are falling.

The Florida-based fundraising consultants — Kris Money, Trey McCarley, and Debbie Aleksander said they left voluntarily and will continue to work for the Bush super PAC, Right to Rise. But others in the campaign told members of the media the three were let go because they were no longer needed for the current phase of the campaign.

Bush spokesman Tim Miller remarked:

“Governor Bush has the widest and deepest fundraising operation of any candidate in the field. Ann Herberger — a longtime aide with more than two decades of experience in state and national politics — will continue to lead the operation in Florida with our team in Miami.”

Recent weeks have not been kind to Bush, either in headlines or polling numbers. There was the controversy over Bush’s use of the term “anchor baby,” which Bush later said he made in reference to Asians rather than Hispanics. A mandatory faceplam is required with either explanation.

In addition, earlier this week, the New York Times reported the campaign had taken steps to rein in some of its spending and had even been forced to cut some employee salaries. Other reports noted that a Bush fundraiser  had expressed concerns about the slowing pace of the campaign’s fundraising following Bush’s shaky debate performance.

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump could not resist commenting on the turmoil in the Bush ranks, noting on Twitter:

“Wow, Jeb Bush just lost three of his top fundraisers – they quit!”

So we see yet again that just because you may be the prohibitive favorite before the campaign even begins, that does not guarantee that you’ll be the last man standing when the music stops. Based on what I’ve seen from the Bush campaign so far, I don’t expect him to be the Republican nominee in 2016.

This article was originally published by the same author at

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