Donald Trump’s fragile ego is in jeopardy once again, and it appears his fear of failure may lead to the 2020 Republican National Convention being cancelled.
Gabriel Sherman of Vanity Fair reports that since the city of Jacksonville, Florida, which is hosting the convention, declared that masks are now required everywhere in the city, everything has changed in regard to the GOP soiree:
“But the bad news keeps coming. This week, Jacksonville, Florida—where Trump moved the Republican National Convention so he could hold a 15,000-person rally next month—mandated that people wear masks indoors to slow the explosion of COVID-19 cases.
“According to a Republican working on the convention, the campaign is now preparing to cancel the event so that Trump doesn’t suffer another Tulsa–like humiliation. ‘They probably won’t have it,’ the source said. ‘It’s not going to be the soft landing Trump wanted.'”
The irony could not possibly be more obvious, if only because the current surge of coronavirus cases in Florida and other states wouldn’t even be an issue if Trump had solved the problem instead of pretending everything was fine and urging states to reopen. This premature reopening was Trump’s idea, and it was likely done because he feared a continued shutdown would drag the economy down so far that he would never win a second term in office.
Now, however, Trump is facing an even more precarious situation: The virus is spreading, hospitals are overrun with COVID-19 patients, and the U.S. economy is once again headed for the deep freeze. So instead of getting what he was hoping for, the president is getting a resurgence of the virus while what many voters already suspected: He’s simply not up to the job he was elected to do.
Things are so bad, Sherman notes, that even Trump can smell the stench of defeat on himself:
“Republicans that have spoken with Trump in recent days describe him as depressed and ‘down in the dumps.’ ‘People around him think his heart’s not in it,’ a Republican close to the White House said. Torn between the imperative to win suburban voters and his instincts to play to his base, Trump has complained to people that he’s in a political box with no obvious way out.”
But the box Donald Trump is in is of his own creation, and he’s the one that put himself inside it. For the first time in his life, Trump may finally have to face the fact that something is his fault. Sure, he’ll publicly try to blame others, but in the deep quiet of darkness, he knows the much harder truth: He’s a failure, and his failure began the moment he started believing his own lies, propaganda, and bullshit.