Donald Trump’s conspiracy to steal the 2020 election has kicked into high gear, and it’s taking place in plain sight at local postal facilities, where his handpicked Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, is now having sorting machines removed from Post Offices in the state of Iowa.
According to Jack Johnson of Common Dreams:
“The head of the Iowa Postal Workers Union alleged Tuesday that mail sorting machines are ‘being removed” from Post Offices in her state due to new policies imposed by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, a major GOP donor to President Donald Trump whose operational changes have resulted in dramatic mail slowdowns across the nation.
“Asked by NPR‘s Noel King whether she has felt the impact of DeJoy’s changes, Iowa Postal Workers Union President Kimberly Karol—a 30-year Postal Service veteran—answered in the affirmative, saying ‘mail is beginning to pile up in our offices, and we’re seeing equipment being removed.'”
Karol explained that removing equipment that is essential to the job of making sure Americans get their mail can only serve one purpose: To make sure the Postal Service fails:
“In Iowa, we are losing machines. And they already in Waterloo were losing one of those machines. So that also hinders our ability to process mail in the way that we had in the past.
“I don’t see this as cost-saving measures. I see this as a way to undermine the public confidence in the mail service. It’s not saving costs. We’re spending more time trying to implement these policy changes. And it’s, in our offices, costing more over time.”
With the nation still in the midst of a pandemic, many more voters are expected to cast absentee ballots in the upcoming election, which will likely lead to a significant increase in voter participation. High voter participation favors Democrats and will likely lead to Trump’s defeat and a loss of the GOP majority in the U.S. Senate.
Ryan Cooper of The Week said it’s clear what’s happening in regard to the Post Office:
“It’s a conspiracy to steal the election, folks.”
And freelance journalist Erin Biba echoed Cooper’s remarks, commenting that there is “absolutely no way to see” removing mail sorting machines as anything but blatant “sabotage” of the Post Office.
But don’t think that we’re powerless in all this. Call or email your member of Congress and Senators and let them know you aren’t going to let another election be stolen by Donald Trump. You can find a list of them at THIS LINK.
How staggering I thought tampering with the mail was a criminal offence. How dare they continue to undermine the American people. Through the deceitful ways and means of a criminal in charge…. wonder who is really running this great country. Sure looks like thuggery to me.