Ivanka Trump In 2006: ‘If He Wasn’t My Father, I Would Spray Him With Mace’

Here’s what we know about Donald Trump: He’s a con man, a pathological liar, a sorry excuse of a businessman, and, based on the testimony of numerous women, a pervert who gets off on sexually assaulting helpless females. And now we can add his daughter Ivanka to the list of women who know exactly what kind […]

WATCH: Trump Supporter HUMILIATES HERSELF By Claiming Hillary Sexually Assaults Women

If you tuned into CNN last night, you may have seen what could go down in the annals of television as one of the most bizarre moments ever seen on a video screen. Trump supporter Gina Loudon began by laying out a bogus list of claims against Hillary Clinton and was soon fact checked by […]

Dear Mike Pence: You’re Just As Guilty As Donald Trump, And Here’s Why

Shortly after the news broke Friday about comments Donald Trump made in 2005 regarding how he treats women and gets away with it because he’s wealthy and famous, Mike Pence began to get questions regarding how he felt about the matter. A source told the Associated Press Pence had been “furious” and “beside himself.” But […]

Christian Website Offers Advice On ‘How To Help Women Learn Their Place’

An allegedly Christian website, Biblical Gender Roles, is now offering helpful hints on how women can best learn their place and how men can help them achieve such “knowledge.” Keep in mind this is the very same website which refuses to admit that spousal rape exists and also how to best punish your wife should […]

Which States Are Failing To Help Rape Victims? This Map Shows You

You may recall a report in USA Today a few months ago which revealed there were more than 70,000 untested rape kits across the United States. But that report only looked at about 1,000 police departments, and there are more than 18,000 police departments in America, meaning the 70,000 is just the tip of the […]