Fox Host Suggests Republicans Begin Planning For ‘Preemptive Impeachment’ In Case Biden Wins

Now that Republicans are starting to come to the realization that their political Lord and Savior, Donald Trump, may well lose the 2020 election, some of those who have been the biggest cheerleaders and enablers over the past four years are looking for ways to destroy the Biden administration before it even exists.

Such is the case with Greg Gutfeld, one of the hosts of the Fox News program “The Five,” who went full bozo during a discussion of the already debunked claims made by the New York Post against Hunter Biden, son of the former vice president.

Since Trump was impeached, Gutfeld suggested, it might be time to start planning for a “preemptive” impeachment of Joe Biden:

“Yes, impeachment is contagious. Juan, why don’t the Republicans start preemptive impeachment on Joe Biden, in case he wins? They could start it tomorrow, what do you think?”

Williams responded that while Trump and many of his fans are big on conspiracy theories, such a theory isn’t exactly supported by facts, especially in the case of Hunter Biden:

“For me, the bottom line here is conspiracy theories are very entertaining, including impossible impeachment hearings before the man’s elected. But I would say, how credible is this guy? I mean, I just don’t know.”

Undeterred, Gutfeld plowed ahead:

“The impeachment kept people from thinking or investigating COVID, so I guess you got to go back to that origin story. Jesse, it didn’t matter if the dossier was legal, what happened in the dossier was legal or illegal, it was about being compromised, so now the media is saying nothing illegal here, as if that mattered.”

While it’s likely that Gutfeld was only joking with his absurd suggestion, it would behoove him to remember that Democrats control the House (where articles of impeachment have to begin) and will probably control both the House and Senate when all the votes are counted next month.

However, it’s instructive to note that right-wingers are already looking to exact revenge for the fact that Trump got caught violating his oath of office and now they want their pound of flesh in return. Petty and childish, yes, but also just what you’d expect from the same people who helped elect a fool four years ago.

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