Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) thought he had the perfect issue to use against his Democratic challenger, Jaime Harrison: Taxes.
Last week, Graham released his own income tax returns and urged Harrison to do the same. When Harrison didn’t, Graham tried to troll him with this tweet:
It’s now been 5 days, so I’ll ask again: Where are your tax returns, @HarrisonJaime? What are you hiding?
— Lindsey Graham (@LindseyGrahamSC) September 14, 2020
So Harrison called Graham’s bluff and responded to his tweet:
Done. Now do President Trump.
— Jaime Harrison (@harrisonjaime) September 15, 2020
Game, set, and match, Jamie Harrison.
That set off a chain reaction of response tweets aimed at Graham, who probably wishes he had never made that posting, especially since it served to humiliate him and Donald Trump:
Well, @LindseyGrahamSC? We are all waiting. When will you demand the same of our president that you demanded of your opponent?
— Zelda (@TheyWereStolen) September 15, 2020
Hey Look, @LindseyGrahamSC
Jamie Harrison has revealed his tax returns. He’s not hiding anything!Now we need you to need to ask with the same enthusiasm:
Where are your tax returns, @Realdonaldtrump???? What are you hiding?
Get on it, boy!!
— CatMom (@SMSCats2) September 15, 2020
Dude, you set up him so nicely!! I mean 3D chess
— Sports and Stuff (@SportsandStuf19) September 15, 2020
Bye bye Graham!!!
It’s tough when the bus you’re driving stops to throw you off, and then runs you over, eh!
— Hari Seldon (@ptbray) September 15, 2020
Nice, swift, condensed burn. Can’t wait to vote for you. At least you didn’t collect 800k from the Russians.
— Tina M. Quirk 🌊 (@TMQuirk) September 15, 2020
As a SC resident, I don’t care about either of your taxes. I do care about children murdered in school shootings, healthcare costs, & revamping the entire school system to year round schools with meals. I also care that for the decade that I’ve live here, Lindsey’s done nothing.
— kim trombly (@motorcityrunawa) September 15, 2020
Bravo, Jaime! Well played, sir.