There’s what can best be called a sort of political parlor game taking place in Washington these days, and it focuses on one question: Who will Robert Mueller indict next?
Thanks in large part to the report issued by the House Intelligence Committee last April, along with some stellar reporting from an NBC correspondent, we can safely surmise that the next name to enter the Hall of Infamy will be none other than Donald Trump Jr.
Why Junior? Granted, he’s a smug weasel who loves to defend his daddy’s worst behavior and also seems to delight in imitating his father by being a philandering asshole when it comes to his marriage, but the actual reasons are based on newly uncovered information.
In the portion of the House Intelligence Committee report filed by Democrats on the panel, there’s a section that mentions the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016 which was attended by Junior, Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, along with this interesting tidbit about who Don Jr. had spoken with around the same time. As Mother Jones reports:
“According to the Democrats’ report, Trump Jr. exchanged calls about the meeting with Emin Agalarov on June 6 at Goldstone’s request. The first call was at 4:04 pm. At 4:27 pm, prior to Trump Jr.’s second call with Emin, Trump Jr. received a call from a blocked’ number. Trump Jr. told the committee last year he did not know who had called him. The Democrats note, however, that Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s first campaign manager, told the committee that Trump Sr.’s ‘primary residence has a blocked [phone] line.'”
Yet Donald Trump and his son both swear Trump Senior didn’t learn of that meeting until after he had taken office. That would seem to be directly contradicted by testimony Junior gave to the committee, meaning he perjured himself.
As for that Trump Tower meeting, where Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya and other Russians had promised to bring compromising “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, we now know that Veselnitskaya was indeed working on behalf of the Kremlin. She told Richard Engel of NBC News:
“I am a lawyer, and I am an informant. Since 2013, I have been actively communicating with the office of the Russian prosecutor general.”
Translation: She’s a spy working for a top Russian agency that was interested in assuring Donald Trump was elected president.
Yes, this all looks bad for the president, but Mueller will be saving that indictment and/or referral for impeachment for last.
Meanwhile Donald Trump Jr. had better be preparing to eat the shit sandwich that’s been prepared for him, because he’s about to be charged and arraigned in the days ahead. The charges? Perjury, conspiracy against the United States, and lying to Congress. He’ll then be looking at decades behind bars, where perhaps he’ll come to realize that the momentary glory he helped achieve for himself and his father were nowhere near as sweet as the freedom he’s lost.
Let’s start cleaning up this TREASONEST FAMILY before the elections in 2020 !