Respected Neurologist: Trump’s Odd Way Of Walking Is Evidence Of A ‘Degenerative Brain Problem’

During the 2016 election, you probably recall, Donald Trump, his campaign, and its surrogates repeatedly tried to imply that Hillary Clinton was hiding things about her health. They insinuated Clinton wasn’t well and had some unspecified disease or mental impairment that would prevent her from being an effective head of state.

Now it’s 2020, and in an interesting reversal of roles (karma anyone?) the health questions are being raised regarding Trump, especially the way he had trouble walking down a ramp after speaking to cadets during a commencement ceremony at West Point recently. In case you missed it, here’s the video:

The Independent had Dr. James Merikangas, a board-certified neurologist and clinical professor of neuropsychiatry at George Washington University School of Medicine, watch the video and tell them what he thought. What he had to say should worry all of us, because according to Dr. Merikangas:

“My reaction to that was that he’s got a problem with his balance and with his posture.”

To that, the doctor added another observation he’d made while watching Trump over the course of the last four years:

“You’ll notice that when the president sits in his chair, for instance, he doesn’t lean back against the chair — he always is sort of crouching, leaning forward. With his legs spread apart, this abnormal posture is something you see in people who’ve got a neurologic problem, though I can’t say specifically which. And his problem with balance with his gait is also something that happens with people who have some sort of degenerative brain problem usually in the frontal lobes of the brain… it certainly is suspicious, the way he was walking.”

Dr. Merikangas said he believes the president needs an MRI or PET scan to fully diagnose exactly what may be wrong with him.

However, a quick Google search on what sort of illnesses can cause damage to the frontal lobe will instantly give you this rundown of possible diagnoses:

  • Stroke
  • A tumor
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Oddly enough, Trump’s father, Fred, was diagnosed with and died as a result of Alzheimer’s disease. And remarks the president made Tuesday prove that he often loses track of his thoughts and cannot bring words to mind. That’s also an early warning sign of Alzheimer’s. Take a look:

Donald Trump is not well. Not by any stretch of the imagination. And that makes him a danger to himself and the entire country.

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