Carly Fiorina, the former head of computer company Hewlett-Packard, is expected to formally announce that she will be seeking the 2016 GOP nomination for President this coming week, but if she’s hoping for support from Silicon Valley, she’s likely to be very disappointed.
Yet Fiorina seems to believe she did a great job while at H-P, repeatedly telling audiences across the country:
“We went from a market laggard to market leader. Unlike Hillary, I have actually accomplished something.”
But the people who know Hewlett-Packard the best would beg to differ with Ms. Fiorina. Jason Burnett, a grandson of the late HP co-founder David Packard recently remarked:
“She put herself ahead of the interests of the company and I fear she would do the same as president. I don’t want her to do harm to this country.”
Additionally, H-P director of corporate communications, Roy Verley, alleges that Fiorina alienated colleagues with a “cult of Carly” that was all about self-promotion and not company morale:
“She didn’t know what she was doing and couldn’t deliver on her promises.”
And what to make of Fiorina’s claims that she turned the computer giant around during her time there? Well, Verley calls that “fantasy.”
Even newspapers in the Silicon Valley area have taken to issuing warnings about Fiorina to those who may not know the full story of her time at Hewlett-Packard. The normally reserved editorial board of the San Jose Mercury News recently wrote:
“She takes the Silicon Valley motto that it’s ‘OK to fail’ a tad too literally.”
Fiorina has also recently made some questionable remarks about American workers, claiming they aren’t more productive because they “watch porn all day.”
A failed business executive, a failed U.S. Senate candidate, and now a soon-to-fail candidate for President. If Carly Fiorina is trying to pad her resume, she might want to try doing something other than failing.
This article was originally published by the same author at