Sycophantic Lindsey Graham Donates $500K To Trump’s Legal Defense As The Election Slips Away

On Thursday evening, as it became clearer by each passing minute that the 2020 presidential election was slipping away from Donald Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) appeared on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show and proudly made an announcement: He was personally donating a cool half-million dollars to the president’s legal defense fund, according to Newsweek:

“He’s the reason we’re going to have a Senate majority. My race was overwhelming. He helped Senate Republicans, we’re going to pick up House seats. I’m going to donate $500,000 tonight to President Trump’s defense legal fund.

“I’ve been on your show. You raised a ton of money for me, your audience was incredibly helpful to Give to so we’ll have the resources to fight. The allegations of wrongdoing are earth-shattering.”

Such a large donation from Graham, however, does raise a troubling question: According to OpenSecrets, the South Carolina senator has a total net worth of $800-900,000. He gave more than half of his net worth to Trump’s legal defense? Seems unlikely.

Graham has had a love-hate relationship with Trump since the president first announced his candidacy in 2015. He originally called Trump “a race baiting, xenophobic religious bigot. You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.”

And yet, when Trump won the 2016 election, Graham glommed onto Trump like a tick stuck in a host. He even began playing golf with Trump and going on Fox News to praise the president to the heavens.

Lindsey can do whatever he wants with his money (if indeed the money he donated was actually his), but his larger legacy is forever sullied by his slavish devotion to a man who has never given a diddly damn about anyone but himself.

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