Newt Gingrich Declares, ‘Little Trump Is Frankly Pathetic’ (VIDEO)

The Donald Trump for President campaign is imploding. Trump is now in permanent free fall, going around the country and slagging fellow members of the Republican Party and saying that every woman who accuses him of being a pervert is a liar and he may wind up suing them and the media outlets that report […]

Chris Christie Tells Fox News: Losing $900 Million Is A ‘Very Good Story For Donald Trump’ (VIDEO)

Donald Trump just loves saying what a great businessman he is and how he will bring that same experience and expertise to running the American economy. But in light of the fact that we now know–thanks to the New York Times–that Trump’s company lost over $900 billion in 1995 alone, it’s starting to look like […]

Gruesome Giuliani Tells Christian Group: Torturing Terrorists More Humane Than Using Drones

Here lately, Rudy Giuliani has been trying very hard to become the biggest windbag and nutjob since Donald Trump entered the race for the White House. When he isn’t claiming Hillary Clinton has a mysterious illness, he shows up on cable news and gets names and dates mixed up as he talks. The guy is […]

WATCH: Fox Host To Ben Carson: ‘Do You Worry That You’re Being Used As A Prop For Black Voters?’

Until this week, Dr. Ben Carson had been mostly absent from the Trump campaign. He was almost never seen anywhere with the exception of a few appearances here and there on Fox News. But suddenly when Trump traveled to Detroit and spoke an African-American church, Ben Carson was in every camera shot you saw of […]

Moronic Trump Fans Think He’s Coming Back From Mexico With A Check To Pay For The Wall

When Donald Trump travels to Mexico today to meet with the Mexican President, it seems likely that the topic of immigration and the wall Trump has promised to build on the U.S.-Mexico border will come up, but if you look on social media at the postings of some of the Orange Menace’s most rabid fans, […]

Trump Defender: Hillary Is A Bigot Because She’s Biased Against Racists (VIDEO)

I thought I’d heard it all from Donald Trump, his spokespeople, and his surrogates. They’ve all said some stuff that is just plain ridiculous, stupid, moronic, and patently false. But Trump defender and CNN contributor Scottie Nell Hughes took it to a new level of facepalming idiocy earlier today. As part of a panel discussion […]

Washington Post CRUSHES Rudy Giuliani For Suggesting Hillary Is Sick

It’s tempting to call this the “silly season” in American Presidential politics, but when isn’t it with Donald Trump and his numerous intellectually challenged surrogates and spokespeople? The most annoying of those surrogates in recent weeks has been former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who seems determined to make sure no one forgets him. […]

Completely Clueless Ann Coulter Says Trump Is Victim Of ‘Media Rape’

We heard some ridiculous, head-shaking, face-palming, batshit crazy stuff during the 2016 race for the White House, but resident Medusa-in-Chief Ann Coulter has decided to raise the bar so high that it may never be topped. In a column she wrote this week and titled, “GOP Blames Victim of Media Rape,” the venomous Ms. Coulter […]

SC GOP Governor Nikki Haley DESTROYS Ann Coulter With Just Three Words (VIDEO)

The Republican Party is in the process of ripping itself apart. The evidence is everywhere, and it seems each day brings more examples of just how deeply fractured the GOP has become. Monday, during a routine press conference, Governor Haley was asked about a column written by the always spiteful and hate-filled Ann Coulter. In […]

Clueless Trump: Putin Is ‘Not Going Into Ukraine’–Which Putin Did TWO YEARS AGO!

We’re all familiar with these axioms: Truth is stranger than fiction Some stories write themselves The dumb seem to get dumber All of these are on full display today as we dissect an interview Donald Trump gave to ABC News. The host of “This Week,” George Stephanopoulos, asked Trump about whether or not he has ever […]