Donald Trump loves the polls from Rasmussen Reports. He has frequently referred to Rasmussen’s polls as the only ones he trusts, tweeting out this endorsement of them in 2017:
The new Rasmussen Poll, one of the most accurate in the 2016 Election, just out with a Trump 50% Approval Rating.That’s higher than O’s #’s!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 18, 2017
But don’t expect Trump to be touting the latest poll from Rasmussen, which shows that his overall approval rating has plummeted by a full 15 points in just three weeks. As Mediaite notes:
“On May 8, Trump was dead even with 49 percent approval and 49 percent disapproval.
“Three weeks later, Trump’s net approval has sunk by fifteen points, with 42 percent approval and 57 percent disapproval.
“The crash in Trump’s approval numbers comes as public opinion about his response to the coronavirus pandemic trends in the same negative direction, and the U.S. death toll from Covid-19 approaches 100,000.”
Yes, you read that correctly: Trump has lost 15 points in just three weeks, which means that if the hemorrhaging continues at this rate, he could have an approval rating as low as 27 percent by mid-June. And no incumbent president has ever won reelection with such abysmal poll numbers.
Trump’s latest approval rating now stands at a two-year low for him, and a closer look inside the numbers shows that voters are abandoning the president in droves, according to The Hill:
“The … figures also show that 30 percent of likely voters ‘strongly approve’ of Trump’s work in office while 47 percent ‘strongly disapprove,’ giving him a net negative approval index rating of 17 percent.”
That’s not the only bad news that hit the White House on Wednesday. The U.S. death toll from COVID-19 has now officially passed 100,000. And on the economic front, Boeing announced it would be eliminating 12,000 jobs in the United States. Boeing also said it plans to lay off “several thousand” more employees in the months ahead.
119,000+ dead Americans with more dying each day. Nearly 40 million Americans unemployed. Those numbers alone suggest it’s long past time to replace Donald Trump.