In the wake of the shooting of Jacob Blake by police officers in Kenosha, Wisconsin, the National Basketball Association canceled all playoff games that had been scheduled for Wednesday evening, and both the Los Angeles Lakers and L.A. Clippers have reportedly voted to quit the playoffs altogether.
But according to senior White House adviser Jared Kushner, the players should consider themselves “fortunate” that they’re wealthy enough to stop working if they choose to.
Appearing on CNBC Thursday morning, Kushner remarked:
“The NBA players are very fortunate that they have the financial position where they’re able to take a night off from work without having to have the consequences to themselves financially.”
“The NBA players are very fortunate that they have the financial position where they’re able to take a night off from work without having to have the consequences to themselves financially,” says White House senior advisor Jared Kushner on the NBA player boycotts last night.
— Squawk Box (@SquawkCNBC) August 27, 2020
Kushner’s comments set off a firestorm of angry responses on social media, with many people reminding Jared that the only reason he has money is because he inherited it from his daddy:
Jared Kushner is a trust fund baby who hasn’t seen a hard days work in his entire life. Most NBA players are first generation wealth who worked their ass off to have a shot at the American dream
— MichaelStarr Hopkins (@Theonlyhonest) August 27, 2020
I love being lectured about financial issues by the ultimate trust fund baby. A guy who has truly never had to earn a thing in his life and is the face of nepotism
— VoodooMojo (@SabooXI) August 27, 2020
Well at least they earned those jobs. They didn’t get their father in law to give them a job they are NOT qualified to do.
— Don P (@YankeePedro) August 27, 2020
Thank god I am CA & it was too early to hear this BS! @andrewrsorkin is terrific. @jaredkushner is a hypocritical shit show.
— Patricia Jacobs (@poodlepatty) August 27, 2020
Yes, they are fortunate. And they are using their position, and potentially sacrificing their money and their careers, to help people and to change something that is wrong. Unlike Jared and his grifter family.
— Steven Marzuola (@marzolian) August 27, 2020
Guy born w silver spoon lectures guys who’ve busted their asses and beaten many odds for all they’ve got about being ‘fortunate’. Kushner is the definition is a spoiled little bastard.
— Devon Jaffier (@dejaff) August 27, 2020
Hopefully, after November 3 Jared, Ivanka, and the entire Trump crime family will be on their way out of the White House and headed for prison.