With the entire nation still in pain and mourning over the horrible, senseless deaths of nine people in Charleston, South Carolina, earlier this week, Ted Cruz decided this would be the perfect time to make a few jokes about guns and gun control while campaigning in Iowa.
At a town meeting in Red Oak, Iowa, Cruz had no problems letting loose with this:
“You know the great thing about the state of Iowa is, I’m pretty sure you all define gun control the same way we do in Texas — hitting what you aim at.”
That’s just freaking hilarious, Teddy Boy. While you’re at it, go ahead and see if you can rub some salt in every open wound you find. But that was just the first of his cracks about guns.
The Texas Senator also talked almost wistfully about he and his wife visiting a gun range in New Hampshire a few weeks ago, recalling:
“My wife, Heidi, who is a petite, 5’2 California blonde, she was standing at the tripod unloading the full machine gun with a pink baseball cap that said ‘armed and fabulous.’”
Armed and fabulous! Yes, he actually let that come out of his mouth.
Cruz didn’t mention the Charleston massacre specifically during the town hall, but did say the following about the incident when questioned by reporters afterwards:
“It’s sad to see the Democrats take a horrific crime and try to use it as an excuse, not to go after people with serious mental illness or people who are repeat felons or criminals, but instead try to use it as an excuse to take away Second Amendment rights of law abiding citizens. I’ll tell you, it’s reminiscent of (former White House Chief of Staff) Rahm Emanuel who said you can never let a good crisis go to waste.”
The Senator was also asked by reporters why he thinks some Republicans have been reluctant to acknowledge the racial aspect of Dylann Roof’s motivation for committing the Charleston shootings, Cruz said:
“It appears to be racially driven from what it was reported this strange man said, and a racial hate crime is horrific, any hate crime is horrific. I don’t think we should be using this tragedy to try and divide people and to try and seek partisan advantage. I think we should be praying for those who lost loved ones in this horrific murder.”
At the same time, we will also be praying to be delivered from idiots with no interest other than their own self-promotion. In other words, people just like Ted Cruz.
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org.