An Arkansas nurse has been charged for the crime of performing an abortion, and her patient was also charged with concealing a pregnancy and abusing a corpse.
You may want to read that first sentence again. It certainly caused me to scratch my head and mumble, “What the…” under my breath. Then I began to do some research and found that Arkansas has some of the most draconian anti-choice laws in the country.
The nurse, Karen Collins of Monticello, Arkansas, allegedly gave abortion drugs to a patient, Anne Bynum, so Bynum could terminate her pregnancy at 33 weeks of development. Authorities charged Collins with performing an abortion without being licensed to do so and performing an unlawful abortion. Bynum was charged with concealing a birth and abusing a corpse.
Police allege that Collins gave the drugs to Bynum, and that Bynum then took the drugs and delivered the fetus at the home of her parents. They further claim that Bynum wrapped the fetus in a plastic bag, put it in her car, and went to sleep for “several hours” before she went to a local emergency room.
While it might be easy to dismiss this overreach by a state into the private lives of women as an isolated incident, it is only one of many in recent months.
In March, Indiana charged and prosecuted a woman, Purvi Patel, for feticide and neglect of a dependent. Patel, who was pregnant, began bleeding and had a miscarriage shortly after she showed up at an ER. She was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
And, just this week, a woman in Albany, Georgia, was charged with malice murder for taking Cytotec, an abortifacient drug she purchased online to terminate her pregnancy of five-and-a-half months.
The GOP’s War on Women, which they like to say it just in the mind of liberals, rolls on in red states across the nation, and shows no signs of relenting.
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org.
here i thought abortion was legal in this country some pregnacys ended at like 35 weeks in some states personaly i think her body her choice also i thought republicans were right winged ? yeah n demos were left winged right?