Scott Walker Screws Workers Yet Again–Wisconsin To Become A ‘Right-To-Work’ State

With the stroke of a pen, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is about to achieve his ultimate dream: Screwing the workers of his state once and for all. Early Friday morning, the Republican-controlled state assembly passed a bill which will make Wisconsin a right-to-work state. The final vote on the anti-union legislation was 62-35, and the […]

Extreme Cruelty! Arkansas GOP Legislator ‘Rehomes’ Daughter To Sexual Predator

In what may turn out to be one of the most heartless acts in recent memory, a Republican Arkansas state legislator “rehomed” a six-year-old girl he and his wife had adopted to a sexual predator who later raped the child. And that’s just part of the story surrounding Justin Harris. In April of 2014, police […]

Holier-Than-Thou Columnist Cal Thomas: Same-Sex Marriage Is Sign Of The ‘End Times’

Seems like each day brings us yet another right wing wacko bird who is convinced that if the Supreme Court rules in favor of same-sex marriage, it will signal the end of the United States. But syndicated columnist Cal Thomas has done them all one better: He says it’s proof we’re on the verge of […]

Islamophobic KKK Flyers Found in Washington State Neighborhood

Residents in the sleepy town of Millwood, Washington were recently greeted with a very unwelcome sight in their neighborhood: Flyers encased in a plastic bag filled with white rocks. The flyers announced: “You can sleep tonight knowing the Klan is awake!” The reverse side of the flyer featured a hateful diatribe against Islam, and one […]

Tea Party Radio Host: Black Lawmakers Who Skip Bibi’s Speech ‘Should Be Hanging From A Noose’

Call me a naive optimist, but I like to think most people, deep down inside, are fundamentally good. Then I see someone like Tea Party radio host Andrea Shea King, and I’m no longer sure On her radio show recently, King said she was outraged that some 50 Democratic members of Congress were planning to […]

For A Doctor, Ben Carson Sure Does Seem Clueless At Times

Right up front, let me say that I greatly admire anyone who goes through what it takes to be a medical doctor. They endure nearly a decade of higher education, long hours, and have to live with the knowledge that one wrong decision on their part may lead to the death of a patient. Doctors […]

Virginia Republican Senator: Pregnant Women Are Just ‘Hosts’

Attention, pregnant women across America! According to Steve Martin–no, not the “wild and crazy guy”–but Virginia State Senator Steve Martin, you’re just a host and therefore not entitled to decide what you do with your body. In a reported posting on Facebook, which he said was in reply to a pro-choice mailing he received on Valentine’s […]