You’ve probably heard of Parler. It’s a social network that’s become popular with conservatives who feel that Twitter and Facebook are biased against their political views. In other words, it’s a “safe space” for right-wingers to attack people they disagree with in the most disgusting ways possible without having to worry about having their posts flagged or accounts deleted.
It turns out that Ivanka Trump has now joined Parler, and she announced she had opened an account there (ironically) on her Twitter page,
Follow me on Parler! pic.twitter.com/BiQwZRSlq0
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) November 17, 2020
As Newsweek notes, Parler is billing itself as a “community town square,” and the company’s CEO, John Matze has even said that he welcomes users with extreme opinions:
“When you go out in public people say crazy things all the time, everybody has opinions and some of them might not be the norm.
“But it’s not against the law to have those opinions. It’s not against the law to express yourself. And if you like one political candidate or another, or you believe or don’t believe in climate change, you shouldn’t be taken offline because of it.”
No doubt some on the right will revel in the news that Ivanka is now on Parler. But a lot of Twitter users made sure to heap mockery and scorn on Grifter Barbie:
Won’t allow you in at the MET Gala anymore? Twitter too rough on daughters of dictator wannabes? Not surprised you’re joining a community of whiny loser right-wing conspiracy frauds. Enjoy your adulation by proxy for daddy’s nutcase-in-denial supporters. Bye bye #NepotismBarbie
— Truly Concerned Citizen 🏴☠️ (@ranmanjh) November 18, 2020
Just reading through tall the replies. @IvankaTrump hate to tell you this but NO ONE LIKES YOU. NO ONE.
— Debipwannabe (@debipisaro) November 18, 2020
I’d rather scoop my eyes out with a melon baller while simultaneously performing root canal on a molar without anesthesia, Griftvanka.
Go fuck off to your echo chamber you complete corrupt nepotistic entitled waste of DNA. Time to pack your shit. It’s all over in 64 days. https://t.co/NA5iIjXvx2
— SAY HER NAME VICE-PRESIDENT-ELECT HARRIS (@billymocolorad2) November 18, 2020
Mingling with Nazi’s? How Ava Braun of you. Nobody will censor your white Supremacist propaganda there & you can start a new line of swastika jewelry for your base. You’ll need the extra cash for bail money.
— Nancy Lee Grahn (@NancyLeeGrahn) November 18, 2020
Is that the PRISON Version of Twitter?
— The Resistor Sister ♥️🇺🇸🦅🙏🏻 (@the_resistor) November 17, 2020
No, there’s enough right wing conspiracy nuts on all these other social networks. I don’t need to be on one where they surround themselves in a wacked out echo chamber and cheer on each other’s lies.
— Bill Kennedy (@bk5137) November 18, 2020
I totally would.
But, I need to watch some paint dry instead.
Sorry about that.
Have fun, princess.
— Artie Vandelay (@ArtieVandelay1) November 17, 2020
Sorry, Vanky, but the vast majority of us have never liked you. And we’re sure as hell not going to like you now that you’ve decided to go full Nazi just to curry favor with deplorables who worship your daddy.