Bless her little heart, Ivanka Trump is always eager to try and put a happy face on her father’s most odious pronouncements and decisions, but she usually just makes matters worse, proving that she did indeed inherit her cluelessness from her father.
Such is the case with the Trump administration’s decision to demand that children who attend public schools go back to class this fall, come hell or high water, and regardless of the health dangers posed by the novel coronavirus, which has so far infected over 3 million Americans.
The White House is so committed to sending kids back to school that they’re even threatening to withhold federal education funding from states that don’t go along with their harebrained scheme.
And that’s where Ivanka comes into the equation, putting her two cents worth in via Twitter:
Single mothers will disproportionately bear the burden of school closures in the form of lower pay, less job security and general overwhelm in part because work in jobs without the option of telecommuting.
We must prioritize safely reopening America’s schools.
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) July 7, 2020
Be sure and note how Ivanka tries to suggest she actually gives a diddly damn about single mothers and what they have to go through on a daily basis. That’s rich coming from a woman who has nannies to help raise her children and has never had to actually work a day in her life, let alone bear a burden other than determining what shoes she’ll be wearing to her next cocktail party.
And then there’s the fact that Jared and Ivanka send their children to private schools, so the mandate from her father won’t impact her or her kids in the least, as lots of people reminded her:
Your children first.
— Eric Slater (@ericsslater) July 8, 2020
There are single mothers working at your daddy’s golf resorts and he clearly doesn’t give a shit about them working during a pandemic
— ABlackWomanWhoDontGiveAF*ck (@battletested5) July 7, 2020
Good grief! How can anyone be this feckless and this annoying?
Go away, little girl. Stop pretending. You will never be president. Everyone laughs at you behind your back. No one thinks you have ever contributed anything worthwhile.
Seriously, stop embarrassing yourself.
— Khashoggi’s Ghost (@UROCKlive1) July 8, 2020
What the fuck do you know about what single mothers go through?
Keep grifting, and take your family on another vacation on our dime.
— lisastark35 (@lisastark351) July 7, 2020
You want to help women being forced to choose between covid exposure for their kids or their job? Support them financially. Stop the pandemic profiteering and actually support the American people. You and your father represent the worst of humanity.
— Lisa Guest (@lisaguestGTM) July 8, 2020
Let me help you think this through Princess Nepotiti, single mom sends her kids to school, they contract the virus and spread it to her. She loses her low wage job, ends up in the hospital ICU for weeks and survives. Now she has no job and is homeless from crushing medical debt.
— Andrea R MD (@AndreaR9Md) July 7, 2020
How about you send yours first?
Please note she is telling us that the economy is more important than the life of our children.
Not her children, they’ll be home schooled, but your children.
She doesn’t care.— Woman In The Moon (@SassyKadiK) July 8, 2020
Sorry, Vanky, but you have zero credibility on this or any other issue that matters to real Americans. No one believes a damn word you or your father say.
The children’s base ball team all got tested before Trump had a photo op with them, but it is expected that teachers and students not be tested??? How stupid does he think we are???