Police dressed in SWAT gear stormed an 81-year-old man’s home, handcuffed him, broke his hip, and then left him without calling for medical assistance, according to a lawsuit filed in Georgetown, Texas.
The incident, which took place in September of 2014, began at the home of Herman Crisp. Crisp says he was sitting outside his house smoking a cigarette when police officers in military gear arrived and threw a flash-bang grenade which knocked him out of the chair he was sitting in. The officers then proceeded to violently throw Mr. Crisp to the ground and handcuff him. The force of him being slammed to the ground broke his hip.
Later, realizing they had made a mistake, police officers helped Crisp back into his house but left without calling for an ambulance. His family found him the next day, on the floor, lying in his own feces. Crisp recalls:
“After they left, I tried to get up because I had to go to the bathroom. And I couldn’t go. So, I just crawled over and laid on the floor right down through here. My sister had to call paramedics.”
Crisp’s attorney, Boadus Spivey, says even getting basic information about the case from local police has been nearly impossible:
“Things like this don’t happen in a vacuum. There’s nothing that we’ve been able to get that identifies the officers, that identifies the action that occurred. We have our client’s information but I had to hire a private investigator just to get enough faxed to determine whether I should file a lawsuit or not. And I’m convinced that the facts are adequate to file this lawsuit and we’ll find out now that we have some way to get accurate information.”
Crisp later learned that police had a warrant to search his house in relation to a case against his nephew, but they never disclosed what they were searching for on his property.
The lawsuit filed on Crisp’s behalf names Williamson County and the City of Georgetown, and seeks damages in excess of $1 million for Crisp’s mental anguish and the cost of Crisp’s medical care. It also alleges that officers used excessive force and caused bodily injury.
This article was originally published by the same author at LiberalAmerica.org.