Idaho GOP State Rep: ‘Slave Owners Were Good People Who Made Bad Decisions, Like Gays’

Ever wonder why some people open their mouths and begin spewing out toxic gas before they stop to think? Is it just a slip-up, or does such a Freudian slip reveal what is truly resting deeper in their subconscious? This is the question I pondered when I read the comments of Republican State Representative Paul […]

Arkansas GOP Lawmaker Has A Facebook Fit About Gay Pride Parade, Makes Total Idiot Of Himself

Apparently if you have a Gay Pride parade in Conway, Arkansas, where State Senator Jason Rapert lives, he is going to go on Facebook and make a complete and total ass of himself. Conway was celebrating its 12th Annual Gay Pride Parade today, and that really set off this narrow-minded bigot’s ranting. He began his […]

Texas Racists Spray Paint ‘No N*ggers’ On Church Van, Poison Black Family’s Puppy

Every so often I come across a story that truly makes me ill. I mean that literally: Some stories have the ability to make one physically ill. When I read this one, it made me feel as if someone had drilled a giant hole into my stomach. The setting is Kaufman, Texas, and what happened […]

Hypocrites And Haters: Senate GOP Refuses Benefits For Same-Sex Veterans

I cannot help but notice that the Republican Party is always ready to send American troops all over the world for the craziest of reasons, but when those members of the armed forces return home, that very same GOP is more than willing to turn their backs on the veterans they have so gladly placed […]

Sarah Palin Calls Josh Duggar A ‘Sexual Predator,’ Then Blames It On Lena Dunham…WTF?!

Allow me to be perfectly transparent and up-front: I consider Sarah Palin to be one of the most ignorant people to ever walk upon the face of the earth. Her stupidity known no bounds, and she’s not shy about proving the depths of her inanity on a regular basis. And now Ms. Palin has taken […]

The Day Before Joe Biden Buries His Son, Ted Cruz Attacks The Vice President

Ted Cruz likes to claim that he’s a Christian and that he believes his faith to be one of the guiding forces in his life. But from the comments he made about Joe Biden just a day before the Vice President buries his son, Beau, you’d certainly never know it. Speaking to Republicans at an […]

‘Family Guy’ Creator Seth MacFarlane Takes Shots At Duck Dynasty Morons During Awards Ceremony

In my humble opinion, the animated series Family Guy is one of the funniest things to appear on television over the past couple of decades. Maybe that means I have a juvenile sense of humor, or maybe it’s really that funny. So I guess it makes sense that I would agree with the show’s creator, […]

Georgia Gun Nut Walks Around Atlanta Airport With Loaded AR-15–Says He’s Being Harassed

The last time you were at the airport, did you notice anyone other than security officials carrying a loaded gun? Well, if you want to see such a thing, I’d advise you to drop by Hartsfield-Jackson Airport in Atlanta, where a man did exactly that yesterday. Jim Cooley was at the airport to drop his […]

10 Quotes That Prove My Dog Has A Better Chance Of Being Elected President Than Rick Perry Does

Are you excited yet? Former Texas Governor Rick Perry will announce on Thursday, June 4, whether or not he plans to run for the 2016 GOP nomination to be President of the United States. Can you imagine how much fun it’s gonna be keeping up with all the stupid things he’s going to say? But […]

Christian Website Says ‘There Is No Such Thing As Marital Rape’ And Women Must Submit

Ever heard of the Biblical Gender Roles website? Me either. At least not until today, and now that I know it exists, I fear for women across this country because it asserts that married Christian women must submit to their spouse, no matter if they want to or not. Yes, when I read that, I admit […]