Donald Trump Jr. Tries To Question Joe Biden’s Vote Total And It’s A Spectacular Self-Own

Donald Trump Jr. desperately tried to suggest on Friday that there was no way Joe Biden could have gotten as many votes as he did, but all he accomplished was humiliating himself in front of millions on Twitter.

Specifically, Junior suggested that there must have been massive voter fraud because no one believed Biden could appeal to that many Americans:

In 2008, Obama got 69.4 million votes to Republican candidate John McCain’s 59.9 million. And as of early Saturday, Biden had 74.8 million votes to Trump’s 70.7 million with several states yet to be called and more votes to be tabulated.

What Don Jr. failed to take into consideration is that the U.S. population has grown in the 12 years since Obama was elected in 2008. Also, turnout for the 2020 election is the highest since 1900, according to historians.

Social media was only too happy to set Junior straight:

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