Marco Rubio: If Elected President, I Will Eliminate Same-Sex Marriage

If you missed Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s appearance on “Meet the Press” earlier today, allow me to give you the shorthand version of what he was attempting to do: Appeal to the evangelical Christian far right-wing of the GOP. During an interview with Chuck Todd, Rubio was asked about same-sex marriage: “So are you accepting […]

So Just How Much Do Republicans Lie? This Chart Tells The Story

To begin this debate, let us stipulate that all politicians lie. They do. Anyone who denies that is simply not living in reality and should seek professional help immediately. That being said, it is also fair to say that Republicans lie much more often than Democrats do. Don’t believe me, then don’t just take my […]

CA Cop Will Not Be Charged For Bashing Woman In Face; He Was ‘Protecting’ Her

Back in July, a video went viral which showed a Los Angeles police officer–later identified as Daniel Andrew–viciously beating and nearly killing Marlene Pinnock. The video clearly showed Andrew pummeling Pinnock and her head bouncing off concrete as he assaulted her. But on Friday, very quietly, with no fanfare, the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office […]

WATCH Carly Fiorina Lose Her S*it When A CNN Host Confronts Her Over Planned Parenthood

Earlier this morning while appearing on CNN, 2016 GOP candidate Carly Fiorina went from smiling to surly in a matter of seconds when confronted over her repeated lies about Planned Parenthood. You no doubt recall Fiorina’s unproven assertion at one of the Republican debates this year that Planned Parenthood harvested and sold fetal body parts, with […]

Anti-Abortion Protesters Sued For Harassing Schoolchildren In DC

In Washington, D.C., anti-abortion protesters opposed to Planned Parenthood have been harassing children and staff of an elementary school because the school is near a soon-to-be built Planned Parenthood facility. But now the school is fighting back with a lawsuit. Two Rivers Public Charter School accuses the activists of blocking carpool lanes and even showing children graphic images […]

Der Fuhrer Trump Gets The Hitler Treatment In Downtown Atlanta

Rarely have I been as proud of my hometown of Atlanta than I am right now. Just a few days after Donald Trump announced that he thinks it would be a good policy for all Muslims to be barred from immigrating to the United States, some clever residents of Atlanta wheatposted this image on highway […]

Right-Wing Nutjob Brigette Gabriel Says Trump Is ‘General Patton Reincarnated’

If one does indeed become infamous as a consequence of being famous, then Donald Trump is fast becoming infamous by the day. From dissing Mexicans to his remarks on women, and more recently with his announcement that he would bar all Muslims from immigrating to the United States, the Donald is running out of groups […]

Disturbing Products You Can Buy Thanks To the Gun Nuts At The NRA

Despite the recent attacks in California which killed 14 and may well have been terrorist acts, the United States Senate still found it necessary to vote down a bill which would have made it illegal for anyone on the terrorist watch list to purchase a firearm. Why did the GOP-controlled Senate not advance the bill? […]

Antonin Scalia Says Affirmative Action Leads To Blacks Going To Schools ‘Out Of Their League’

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia–no stranger to saying things that ring of douchebaggery–may have outdone himself during oral arguments Wednesday on a case involving affirmative action. Scalia actually had the nerve to suggest that affirmative action hurts minority students by allowing them into schools that are too academically challenging for them. Yes, he really said […]

Trump Spokesperson On Proposed Muslim Ban: ‘So What? They’re Muslim’

Appearing on CNN Tuesday, the national spokesperson for the Donald Trump campaign asserted that there is really no difference between “insurgents” and law-abiding Muslims in the United States. Katrina Pierson was reminded by CNN host S.E. Cupp: “No one’s talking about allowing insurgents. You’re talking about not allowing regular Muslims. That’s what you’re talking about. […]